Lawn Alternatives
eco-friendly substitutes for all-grass lawns
Want to replace your grass lawn? Substitutes for an all-grass lawn offer water savings, as drought-resistant plants need less water while reducing the need for chemicals, and promoting a healthier environment for you and wildlife. Replacing turf boosts soil health, lowers maintenance costs, and creates a more diverse, attractive landscape.
Flowering Alternative
Lawn Mix
- Flowering lawn
- Low growing
- Colorful alternative
- Low maintenance
- Provides nectar & pollen
- Attracts beneficial insects
- 1 lb. - no filler!

Flowering Alternative
Lawn Mix

- Flowering lawn
- Low growing
- Colorful alternative
- Low maintenance
- Provides nectar & pollen
- Attracts beneficial insects
- 1 lb. - no filler!

EcoEase Microclover
& Fescue Lawn Mix
- Flowering lawn
- Low growing
- Colorful alternative
- Low maintenance
- Provides nectar & pollen
- Attracts beneficial insects
- 1 lb. - no filler!
EcoEase Microclover
& Fescue Lawn Mix

- Flowering lawn
- Low growing
- Colorful alternative
- Low maintenance
- Provides nectar & pollen
- Attracts beneficial insects
- 1 lb. - no filler!
Trusted by gardeners since 1856. For over 160 years, gardeners have trusted us for high-quality, reliable products. Our seeds thrive in any garden, big or small, and our commitment to excellence makes us the go-to choice for both beginners and pros. Count on us to help your garden grow strong and healthy.
Get started
Get growing in 3 steps
Here's a quick guide for planting your lawn alternative mixes for success! For more in-depth tips & tricks, click the link to our gardening guide for detailed planting instructions.
Read our planting guide
Select your planting site:
Choose an area with sun (for Flowering Grass Alternative) or partial sun (for EcoEase Microclover & Fescue), moist soil conditions, and a water source. Once established, most mixes typically become more drought-tolerant over time.

Prep your soil:
Don't skip this important step! Remove weeds and loosen the top ½-1 inches of soil. This will allow seeds to access necessary nutrients, sunlight, and water without being out-competed by weeds.

Sow your seeds:
You can broadcast seeds by hand or with a rotary spreader, making sure to spread evenly. Lightly rake or roll seeds into the soil, no more than ½ inch to protect from birds and wind. The key is to have good seed-to-soil contact.
about planting an alternative lawn
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