Calling all Garden Experts!

Our garden community is growing and we need you!
We are currently holding auditions for Ferry-Morse Ambassadors to join our online gardening support community. Share your gardening expertise and begin helping others while earning points for your chance to win a $50 gift card for FerryMorse.com!
How does it work?
Step 1
Join the Q&A Community through our partner app.
Step 2
Fellow gardeners will ask a question in our online forum.
Step 3
You as a Q&A Community Member will get a text with the question. If you can answer it, please do!
Step 4
Once the quality of your answer has been evaluated by our team, you will be badged as a Ferry-Morse Ambassador & receive more rewards!

Be Entered to Win!
For every gardening question, you answer you will be entered to win a $50 FerryMorse.com gift card! Each month we will randomly select a winner. So the more entries - the more chance to win!