Compressed Seed Starting Mix

Pellets expand to up to 10 quarts!

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Made from 100% Coconut Coir
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Our Ferry-Morse Compressed Seed Starting Mix pellets are 100% coconut coir pellets that are environmentally friendly, using a naturally renewable source that is a by-product of the coconut industry.

Triple-washed and unamended, our high-quality coir stands alone. Due to coconuts typically growing in tropical environments, the coir needs to be harvested and washed several times before the salt levels are acceptable for a growing medium. Lesser coir does not go through this process.


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Add 6 cups of lukewarm water to the pellets while in the bag. 

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After letting them soak for 3-4 minutes, start mashing the pellets to form the loose mixture. Expands fully in minutes!

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Use in your seed starting pots and strips.