Garden Fresh
Rosemary Citrus Gin Fizz
Refreshing Herbs!
A favorite use for fresh herbs is to steep them into a simple syrup. The end result is wonderfully aromatic and flavorful extract that turns a simple mixed mocktail or cocktail into something special. Rosemary’s piney scent and subtle citrus notes pair well with lemons (or any other citrus fruit – substitute whichever you like!). Once you add bubbling tonic water, the aromatic effect is amplified for a truly refreshing and sensory treat. Once you make the simple syrup, it will last in the refrigerator for about a week. To make the mocktail version, omit the gin and replace the tonic water with 4oz of club soda. Enjoy!

Rosemary Simple Syrup:
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
2-3 sprigs home-grown rosemary
Rosemary Citrus Gin Fizz (1 serving):
1 oz cooled Rosemary Simple Syrup
1 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice (or other citrus fruit)
2 ounces Gin
2 ounces tonic water
1 sprig home-grown rosemary for garnish
1 slice lemon for garnish
Up to 1 week in advance, make the Rosemary Simple Syrup. Heat 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar in a saucepan until boiling. Stir until sugar has dissolved, then remove from heat. Add 2-3 sprigs of rosemary and allow them to steep until the mixture cools. Remove rosemary sprigs from syrup mixture and discard. Pour the syrup into a glass jar and refrigerate (keeps for about a week).
Fill a double old fashioned glass and a cocktail shaker with ice. Add the lemon juice, gin, and 1 oz cooled rosemary simple syrup to the cocktail shaker. Fit the lid tightly in place and shake vigorously for 15 seconds. Discard the ice from the double old fashioned glass. Strain the cocktail mixture into the prepared glass, top with the tonic water, and stir gently to combine.
Garnish with the rosemary sprig and lemon slice. Cheers!