The Greenhouse

Ferry-Morse Home Gardening Blog & Growing Resource Center

Grilled Sweet Corn on the Cob with Basil Butter Recipe

Grilled Sweet Corn on the Cob with Basil Butter Recipe

One of the many joys of summer is fresh, sweet corn on the cob. While always delicious steamed or boiled, we love it cooked on the grill and then slathered with a fresh herb compound butter. So good!

Grilled Sweet Corn on the Cob with Basil Butter
Serves: 4 to 8

8 ears of fresh sweet corn, shucked
2 sticks unsalted butter at room temperature
1 clove garlic
1 cup fresh basil leaves
1 Tbsp sea salt
Olive oil


Preheat grill to medium high.

Prep the basil butter: add the basil and garlic to a food processor and chop. Add the butter and 1 Tbsp sea salt and pulse to combine. Scrape down the sides if needed to blend fully. Basil butter can be made ahead and will keep for 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator.

Brush corn lightly with olive oil and sprinkle with salt to taste. When grill is hot, add the corn and close the lid. Using tongs, rotate the corn every couple of minutes until some of the kernels are blistered and the kernels are a bright yellow. It’s ok if some of the kernels are blistered or charred. Total cooking time should be 7-8 minutes. Be careful not to overcook in order to maintain juiciness.

Remove corn from the grill and generously spread on the basil butter. Serve immediately.

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