Collection: Peat Pots and Strips

Start your gardening journey on the right foot with our Jiffy-Pots Organic Seed Starting Biodegradable Peat Pots. These little wonders are perfect for giving your seeds the ideal environment to sprout and grow.

Made from organic and Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI-listed) materials, these peat pots are eco-friendly and provide a nurturing space for your plants.

Transplanting your seedlings is easy with our Jiffy-Strips Organic Seed Starting Biodegradable Peat Strips. These strips minimize transplant shock and keep your plant's roots happy.

Like our peat pots, these organic and OMRI-list strips ensure you use the best for your garden.

With our biodegradable seed-starting peat pots and strips, you can rest assured that you're making a sustainable choice for your gardening needs. Say goodbye to plastic waste and hello to a greener future.

Start your seeds off right with our Jiffy-Pots and Jiffy-Stripsthe perfect companions for every gardener.